
Thursday 12 April 2018

my learning

Hello and welcome back today I'm going to be talking about all my school work for reading  I have been making a comic about a dragon and a mom who died also the kids also reading lots of books and comics. PBL for PBL I have made a ques ten and find out about it and see what happens. writing for writing I have been talking about the commonwealth games and I made a report about it and also I have been doing SUW here is some of my story                                        

                                                Cats V Dogs

Cats are cute and they like to go for avengers outside also they are good at hiding you know. Dogs  are cute you have to take them on walks buy them a leash and they don't hide you know what. Cats snuggle up with you and cuddle you there food is cheap.
well I will see you again soon buy

do you like this stuff?????